Three Apples High | photos by Simon Reid and Anne Baldwin
Not Oscar
Not Oscar: So this shot of Not Oscar is actually of a little one named Arlo who is the son of a musician and her wife that we met at a house show on Friday. The show was amazing and all four acts were unbelievably talented. There were guitars, banjos, a mandolin, ukulele, accordion, piano, sax, stand-up bass, clarinet, xylophone and even an elephant on a guitar case for percussion at one point. It was a very fun evening and all of the little ones that were there were very well behaved for their respective adults. The musicians that played were a mix and match combination of;Heather Kelday, (Arlo's mom) Allison Lickley, Erin Lang and Phil Dennis who, with his wife Mary and their son Charlie were also the hosts of the event. It was quite a musical group.
Snapped on 11.02.09 || More Photos ||

Photographs CopyrightThree Apples High.

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